Monday, January 08, 2007

Take the skinheads lawn bowling, take them lawn bowling ...*

Shocking news: The Tories' youth recruitment strategy was recently revealed on the their website. Read, and weep, fellow progressives:


Meet and Greet with Hugh McFadyen

Dakota Lawn Bowling Building
1212 Dakota Street

February 3, 2007

6:00 pm to 10:00 pm

$15.00 General
$10.00 Students

Pizza and Salad, as well as your first beverage are included in the ticket price.

Presented by the Seine River PC Association & the St. Norbert PC Association


Following pizza and after the antacid tablets are passed around, Huey will challenge all comers to an intense round of lawn bowling. Should be lively, especially for all those 10 buck ticket holders.

* With thanks to eagle-eyed correspondents and deep apologies to Camper Van Beethoven